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Enough mudslinging! August 14, 2003

Posted by worldspectacle in Uncategorized.

Romeo proudly endorses for Governor of California:

Mr. Bailey Blue

A real political heavyweight and CFA in good standing.

Finally, a candidate who will talk about the real issues facing California.

The inteview with our candidate we�ve all been waiting for:

Miss Monica: So, Mr. Blue, you�ve declared your candidacy?

Bailey Blue: Meow!

Bailey�s Spokesperson: Allow me. What Mr. Blue means is, he�s thrilled to be running for governor of the 6th largest population of cats in the world. And you can call him Bailey.

MM: Is Bailey affiliated with a political party?

BS: Of course. He has the full support of the Feline Brotherhood. It�s a new party. And contrary to what you might have heard, a member of the Felinity party is termed a �Felinian,� not a �Felon.�

MM: Who are other prominent Felinians?

BS: Garfield, of course. Mooch. Stimpson J. Cat. Hobbes. All the great entertainers.

MM: Is Bailey an entertainer, too?

BS: Oh, no! Bailey doesn�t care if he entertains you or not! He�s a card carrying monarchist.

MM: Do the Feline Brotherhood have a motto?

BS: �Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.� Felinians value political savvy.

MM: That�s a bit long for a bumper sticker.

BS: It�ll fit on a SUV, and that�s all you need in this state.

MM: Do you have a party platform?

BS: One of our most important planks has to do with doors. We would make it illegal to close doors, especially bathroom doors.

MM: How would Bailey deal with the homelessness issue?

BS: Let them eat dogs.

MM: Beg pardon?

BS: It will nourish the populace and provide valuable pest control.

MM: And Bailey�s stand on capital punishment?

BS: Bailey believes in the use of force. Death by application of teeth and claws at his discretion. He produces his own chemical weapons at home, and keeps a stockpile in his litterbox.

MM: Does Bailey have any hobbies?

BS: He�s partial to midnight singing. The blues, of course. And that�s all the time we have today for questions. Thank you for coming.


Mr. Blue is currently accepting questions about his campaign and opinions on California-related issues. Please write to:



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